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"don't be so precious"

making for the sake of it

lately i've cared much, much more about constantly making things than i've cared about making things that are "good" or "precious".

i wanted a simple space to share the things i'm making, to share with friends or to look back on myself. this is that space & it's not a portfolio, and it's not "content"; it's just things that i've brought into the world. :-) when people ask what i do in my free time...this is the thing to point at.

i personally really desire a recentering of creation in my life. once upon a time, we all drew things and we all wrote things, and it came to us naturally- & then the idea of other people seeing it and judging it got in the way. is that true for you? it's true for me & i guess that's what's pushed me to try to twist it all around for myself. i want to make Making When I Get the Urge just another thing i do like massaging my muscles when they ache.

a teacher criticized a drawing i was taking too long on once: "DON'T BE SO PRECIOUS". he said it really gently, and he meant it. i've kept that in my head for the longest time- fiddling with art or writing for too long before letting it walk on its own takes the joy out of all of it for me.


i'm kieran / kkeepvigil and i enjoy:

  • finding images / finding words
  • repurposing them
  • textural images
  • textural phrases
  • i have characters in my head that i let outside of it sometimes.

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